/Apple “nachos” with Chocolate Baru Butter, berries, maple cinnamon roasted chickpeas, diced 82% Giddy Yo cacao bar, Nud Fud cacao banana crisps, and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
I was first introduced to Baru seeds by Organic Traditions and I love them! They taste like a cross between peanuts and cashews except they are nut-free and school-safe. Baru seeds are rich in plant-based protein as well as antioxidants, fibre, and vitamin E.
Here I modified the Organic Traditions Baru Butter recipe to make a chocolatey adaptogenic version my whole family loves!
1 cup roasted baru seeds
1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
2 Tbsp Giddy Yo raw cacao powder
1 tsp FreshCap Mushrooms chaga powder (optional)
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp sea salt
Lakanto sugar-free monk fruit sweetener, or sweetener of choice, adjusted to taste
Add seeds, melted coconut oil, cacao, chaga, cinnamon, and salt to food processor or blender container and blend until smooth. Sweeten to taste.
Chocolate Baru Butter can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 weeks.
Chocolate Baru Butter Banana Bites with diced fruit, granola, and Magic Spoon Cocoa cereal.
Toasted English muffin topped with yogurt, caramelized banana, bee pollen, Giddy Yo cacao nibs, and Chocolate Baru Butter.