Dr. Tara's "Fave Five": Clean Up Time

Happy January!  I hope you enjoyed the holidays and have had a wonderful start to 2020. This Fave Five post is all about setting positive intentions and pursuing a “cleaner” lifestyle.

1. Clean-up those Resolutions

Do you set New Year’s resolutions?  If so, have you typically been successful at achieving your goals?  If you’re anything like the vast majority of resolution-setters, the answer is probably a resounding no. The good news is, I’ve got some useful tips to help you revive, reconfigure, and revitalize those resolutions (click here)!

Still, with all of the negative connotations around annual resolutions, it’s perhaps not surprising that there has been a move in recent years towards setting monthly positive intentions instead.  Check out my blog “Living with Intention” to learn more about this new mindful living trend.

2. Cleaner Eating

Creamy Buckwheat Protein Porridge

Creamy Buckwheat Protein Porridge

I’m not a proponent of New Year’s “detox” or crash diets.  In fact, the whole notion of “clean eating” is somewhat problematic for me.  Applied too rigidly, it can promote orthorexia and be used to imply that other people’s eating habits are wrong or dirty.  So let’s make it clear: I am not using this term to judge how you or anyone else eats.  I’m using it here to encourage a focus on well-balanced, minimally-processed, and predominantly plant-based food.  And I have opted for “cleaner” over clean because I don’t expect — or want — you to be perfect. For truly healthy living, there has to be room to indulge in a thoughtful and guilt-free way.

One of the ways my family and I maintain healthy eating habits is by having meals and snacks that are not only nutritious, but also easy, tasty, and satisfying.  Check out my Food Joy page for cleaner-eating recipes and let me know if you give one a try! Some of my current favourites are Creamy Buckwheat Protein Porridge, Ginger Carrot Salad Dressing, Lentil Tomato Soup, Dairy-free “Alfredo” Sauce, and Cranberry Pecan Chocolate Chip Cookies

3. Cleaner Beauty


Striving for cleaner living requires that we look not only at what we are putting in our bodies, but what we are putting ON our bodies — the chemicals and toxins we are exposing ourselves to in things like laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, deodorant, and skincare and beauty products.  I am horrified by how poorly regulated the cosmetic industry is, and the fact that unsafe products are readily found on drugstore shelves across the country.  

Now trying to do a complete overhaul of these products in one fell swoop can be as overwhelming (not to mention expensive!) as trying to go from meat-at-every-meal to vegan overnight.  So start with a few steps in the cleaner direction and build from there.

At my house, I have been focusing on deodorant and skincare & make-up products.

Finding a natural deodorant that works can be a real challenge.  I tried a couple of different brands before buying Meow Meow Tweet on the recommendation of one of my medical colleagues.  It smells good, comes in glass instead of plastic, and gets me through the day without smelling — unless I go to spin class, and then I need to re-apply!  Are there any brands that you love and recommend?

As mentioned in my last email, I recently became a Beautycounter Consultant.  Truth be told, I’m not very good at selling but if I had my way, I’d get these products into all of your homes!  In addition to meeting unparalleled standards of safety, Beautycounter skincare and cosmetic products are beautiful, high performing, and truly luxurious.  Please contact me anytime if you want help making the switch to safer.

4. Cleaner Relationships 

Relationships are hard.  They’re work. And boy can they be messy.  I’m not just talking romantic ones, either. Think about your friendships (both in real life and on-line), your mother-in-law, your boss. What type of energy are you are investing in each of your relationships, how much, and why? Remember that not everyone has to like you and that some relationships run their course. Give less of your time to toxic relationships that aren’t feeding your soul.  Re-invest more positive energy into the connections that are worth fighting for.

5. Quote of the Day

“Start where you are.  Use what you have. Do what you can.”

— Arthur Ashe

Wishing you all the best for the New Year ahead!